Review of KCleaner by SoftPlanet

KCleanerisasimple-to-useandpowerfultooldesignedtoremoveunusedfilesfromthecomputer,whetherwearetalkingaboutwebbrowsercache,RecycleBin ...,KCleanerwillsearchforanddeletethemostcommontypesofunnecessaryfiles,likeyourbrowsercache,thecontentsofyourrecy...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Download KCleaner

KCleaner is a simple-to-use and powerful tool designed to remove unused files from the computer, whether we are talking about web browser cache, Recycle Bin ...


KCleaner will search for and delete the most common types of unnecessary files, like your browser cache, the contents of your recycle bin, and ...


2023年7月12日 — Softonic review. System Optimization Via Cleaning. KCleaner is a utilities and tool software by KC Softwares. The software is created for ...

KCleaner 3.8.2 free download

2021年5月20日 — KCleaner is a powerful tool that will help to uncover redundant and junk files that you can safely delete.

KCleaner Pro Review

KCleaner PRO is a powerful PC cleaning application which designed to remove useless and unused files from the computer. you can free up your hard drive from the ...

KCleaner Review

2015年6月23日 — The bottom line is that KCleaner is easy to use and performs cleaning tasks very well. If you are not looking for extra tools, like startup ...

[Windows] KCleaner cleans junk files that CCleaner ...

2013年4月27日 — KCleaner is quick, responsive and very easy to use. The interface is nothing fancy, but you won't get lost while using the program either. For ...


KCleanerisasimple-to-useandpowerfultooldesignedtoremoveunusedfilesfromthecomputer,whetherwearetalkingaboutwebbrowsercache,RecycleBin ...,KCleanerwillsearchforanddeletethemostcommontypesofunnecessaryfiles,likeyourbrowsercache,thecontentsofyourrecyclebin,and ...,2023年7月12日—Softonicreview.SystemOptimizationViaCleaning.KCleanerisautilitiesandtoolsoftwarebyKCSoftwares.Thesoftwareiscreatedfor ......